Nesta conversa, a escritora e ativista Isabel Allende fala sobre mulheres, criatividade, a definição de feminismo e, claro, sobre paixão.
Novelist Isabel Allende writes stories of passion. Her novels and memoirs, including The House of the Spirits and Eva Luna, tell the stories of women and men who live with passionate commitment -- to love, to their world, to an ideal
Speakers Isabel Allende: Novelist

Why you should listen to her:
As a novelist and memoirist, Isabel Allende writes of passionate lives, including her own. Born into a Chilean family with political ties, she went into exile in the United States in the 1970s -- an event that, she believes, created her as a writer. Her voice blends sweeping narrative with touches of magical realism; her stories are romantic, in the very best sense of the word. Her novels include The House of the Spirits, Eva Luna and The Stories of Eva Luna, and her latest, Ines of My Soul and La Suma de los Dias (The Sum of Our Days). And don't forget her adventure trilogy for young readers -- City of the Beasts, Kingdom of the Golden Dragon and Forest of the Pygmies.
As a memoirist, she has written about her vision of her lost Chile, in My Invented Country, and movingly tells the story of her life to her own daughter, in Paula. Her book Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses memorably linked two sections of the bookstore that don't see much crossover: Erotica and Cookbooks. Just as vital is her community work: The Isabel Allende Foundation works with nonprofits in the SF Bay Area and Chile to empower and protect women and girls -- understanding that empowering women is the only true route to social and economic justice.
"Allende can spin a funny, sensual yarn, but she can also use her narrative skills to remind us that parallel to our placid and comfortable existence is another, invisible universe, one where poverty, misery and torture are all too real."
Patricia Hart, The Nation
Isabel Allende conta histórias de paixão.

- TED, quer dizer (Technology, Entertainment and Design). É uma conferência anual com a missão de divulgar idéias que valem a pena ou “ideas worth spreading”. As “aulas” chamadas de TED Talks falam de ciência, artes, design, política, negócios, assuntos mundiais, tecnologia, desenvolvimento, e entretenimento.
Alguns dos melhores vídeos que já vi na internet vem do TED. Este não fica atrás. Isabel Allende dá uma aula de civilidade, feminismo, bom humor e amor às pessoas.
E se você for mulher, não perca este vídeo.
Um vídeo com uma excelente conferência dada pela autora de "A Casa dos Espíritos" legendado em português.
A mesma conferência com transcrição do texto pode ser vista em
Isabel Allende - Contos de Paixão -
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